Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6/9/15 - NotesDemo Talk Reflection

On Saturday, June 6th, Chris and I ran a Firefox OS app development workshop at the National Day of Civic Hacking.  It was a great learning experience, both for the audience and for me as a presenter.  I found that some things I did worked really well, and some didn't work as well.

Things that worked:

  • Having a google doc that outlined what each step would do was definitely good.  It was a 'hub' for people to look at our materials, since all the github commit steps were linked there as well.
  • Having additional visual aid for some of the important/confusing aspects of the project.  These helped me articulate what I was doing in the code.  The directory of all the materials, including visual aid, is here.
  • Walking around and helping people out when they had questions was a valuable experience helped the audience members get more acquainted with the code, and helped me get a deeper understanding of where things were likely to go wrong.  More on that in the things that didn't work section!
  • Showing github diffs helped show people what files should be modified.  I just need to make sure I explain what they mean first, because one audience member copied a diff literally and ended up with both the removed code and the new code side by side.  Some people also copied and pasted from the diff instead of from the actual file, and ended up with plus signs at the beginning of all their lines of code.

Things that didn't work

  •  Trying to explain closures and closure scope was difficult, just because the audience didn't have quite the CS understanding needed to see how closures work.  It also didn't help that I named the function I was demoing 'scoped' in my closure presentation, so it sounded weird when I talked about the scope of scoped, which threw me off.  In the future, I would want to go with a more distinct name.
  • Too complex of an app - we ended up having 10 different files for the audience to add and work with throughout the duration of the talk.  We actually had to skip over a couple of the script files and treat them as 'invisible magic', just so we could finish in the time given.  A lot of the concepts the app introduced, like functions being closures and functions returning functions, while important patterns to be aware of and understand, end up being lost on an audience that doesn't have much experience with javascript in the first place.  It would be more beneficial to focus on the basics instead.
  • Having all the steps up on github at all times allowed people who got bored to jump ahead rather than taking their time to try to understand the code.  That, along with people copying and pasting rather than typing it for themselves, let people completely bypass a lot of of the learning they would have gotten by actually working through the code.  This also left people at far different stages of development: the people who were actually typing line by line were much earlier on in development than those who copied and pasted, meaning that it was harder to answer questions because people might be on different steps entirely

Things to do for next time

  • Simpler app with more of a focus on the layout - I realized that it's probably more important for people interested in web app development to learn the html and css skills first, before focusing on the javascript.  With this in mind, if I workshopped a second app, I would make it more html heavy, with less emphasis on the javascript.  NotesDemo only had a barebones index.html page, with a lot of the html being created inside the javascript. 
  • Fewer files to work with - NotesDemo ended up having a bunch of different js files that all depended on each other, so it was hard to go step by step and have a working app at each stage.  The app didn't end up visually doing anything until step 5, because the view generator had so many other dependencies.  This goes hand in hand with doing a simpler concept next time.
  •  Try to avoid plural names - a lot of people missed the 's' in 'notes_ui_manager', or added an s onto the 'note' in add_note_ui, which is a hard mistake to debug if you don't know what you're looking for.
  • If at all possible, only push the next step to the repo when everyone is ready for it.  Encourage those who are done to help those who are still working.
Overall, it was a great experience, and I think everyone involved got something out of it! I certainly did.

1 comment:

  1. Great reflections, Alex! I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop, and your "Things that worked" captures why. Your "Things that didn't work" is really insightful as well. For a first time out you did a fabulous job, and your reflections suggest even better things in the future.
