Thursday, June 11, 2015

6/11/15 - Storing and loading chapter data, and jQuery Mobile events

The app now writes JSON metadata to localStorage when the user downloads a chapter. This is pretty darn neat:
Index.html: no chapters have been stored locally yet Downloading a chapter of ABC Vegetable Gardening Index.html: saved book shows up After clicking on the listing, this screen shows tapping the chapter name will (temporarily) show the value stored in the path attribute.

I found this stackoverflow post about jQuery mobile page events that had good information on how the pagecreate, pageinit, and pageshow events can be used in the app. I didn't realize that pagecreate only fires on the initial page load, and I was running into issues where the index page wouldn't update the downloaded books list with books downloaded during that session. I moved my logic for populating the list element from a pagecreate event to a pageshow event, and now it works properly.

EDIT: something weird is going on, I'm not sure how correct that stackoverflow answer was.  The app is firing the pagecreate event multiple times as seen here (also, that not well-formed, fun stuff):

EDIT 2: w3schools also says that the pagecreate event should only be fired once, so it's possible that maybe these pages aren't caching normally due to our configuration. I'll have to do some more research on this. The reason why I care is because I'd like to have pages be cached in one direction, so that when a user goes back a page, it loads the cached version, but when a user goes forwards a page, a fresh version is generated.

EDIT 3: Adding the data-dom-cache="true" attribute to the chapters list <div data-role="page"> causes the chapters list oncreate to be called just once, but as a result of this, the chapters don't update after you click a book for the first time, because the page has already been created. I need some sort of middle ground between these two options.

The code that powers the user interface shown in these pictures doesn't have any tests written for it, and really needs a clean up (hard coded selector strings, somewhat duplicated code). However, testing these user interface events is going to be a huge pain, so I need to ask around and see if it's even worth testing.

Also, something interesting I found out just now - in order to get the images to go like that I had to do some html and css stuff, and blogger kept breaking it. I tried to figure out why so I ran my html through a validator, and it turns out that you can't put a div inside a span. I didn't realize there were limitations to where you could put divs!

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