Changes 11/3/14
UMD Programming Contest:
- Wasted about 45 minutes trying to import the pythagorean triples project into IntelliJ. I eventually got it by selecting "Import Project" > "Create Project From Existing Sources". Previously I had been selecting "Import Project from External Model", which wouldn't be set up correctly.
- Eventually I'll switch over to Eclipse
- Working on the Pythagorean Triples problem
- I'm sure there's plenty of resources on finding Pythagorean triples online, but I don't think I would be allowed to look at those during the contest, so I'm not going to look at those.
Since the contest will be using Eclipse, it would be best to work in the same environment. Why switch over "eventually" when you can do it now? Sooner tends to be better than later with these things. Otherwise, you end up very accustomed to IntelliJ and voicing frequent and loud complaints when you make the switch :-(