Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4/21/15 - Gitignore

I haven't blogged in a while because I was preparing for the UMD programming contest last week, but today Finn and I worked on refactoring the book page of LibriFox.

I also wanted to blog in order to write this down in case I needed to do it again:
I put all my Learn C the Hard Way exercises into a git repository so that I would have access to their revision history, but I forgot about all the compiled files and ended up with this as the repo folder.  I don't have make set up to use the .out suffix, so I couldn't just add the compiled files to the gitignore.  Instead I found this guide online and set up my .gitignore following it:
File: .gitignore

# ignore everything
# Don't ignore directories, so we can recurse into them
# Don't ignore other important files
Then, to remove all the files I didn't want that had already been committed, I did git rm -rf . --cached, which removed all the files from my git path, while keeping them on the local machine. Then I did git add . to add all the files allowed by the gitignore back into the path.
This isn't the perfect solution, because every time I add a new file type I'll have to add it manually, but it works for now. I ended up with a much cleaner directory.

Also I found a javascript web mocking library called Nock, so hopefully that will allow us to test the HttpRequestHandler object easily.

1 comment:

  1. This is cool! Thanks. I'll remember this post and make use of it.
