Here's an example of an rss page. Firefox actually styles it, while the other browsers just display text. Click 'view source' on the page to see the actual xml. It's weird that they have so many redundant links, as each file is linked to three times: in the url attribute of the <enclosure>, <link> and <media:content> tags. I'm assuming this is to make it compatible with the format rss readers are expecting.
I figured that a good starting place for this problem would be trying to extract the mp3 url from each <enclosure> tag. This is where we started running into problems. Given an xml file looking like this: I thought I would be able to iterate over each enclosure tag like this: What it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out (and we're talking about an hour here) is that the variable being passed into the anonymous function inside the #each() is actually the index of the element in the selection, and not the element itself. Hence, printing i for this search would give an output of:
0 1I was completely unprepared for that! I assumed that the i variable was more than just an integer, and the index was just being returned by #toString() method when logging to console. It turns out that what I really wanted was:
which gives an output of:
a bthe "urls" I set in my xml.
Another interesting thing I found today: Directly getting an element by index from a jQuery selection returns the element object directly, which doesn't include methods like #attr(). Instead, you have to pass this object back into the $() function to convert it back to a selection so that you can get access to all those methods.
I guess you can never have too much jQuery!
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