Thursday, February 19, 2015

Changes 2/19/15 - Header Styling and Self Publishing

I realized the bower stuff I was doing (I blogged about it last friday) doesn't work on firefox OS 2.2 or less because it uses web components, which is a functionality that is still very experimental, and (I think) allows developers to design their own elements.  I gave up on the web components stuff because I couldn't even get it to work on my Firefox phone, which is running OS 3.0.

Previously, I was using this page to implement my header, which uses web components.  I switched over to this page.

Another problem I'm still running into is that the OS is very hard to debug, as it seems like my console.log statements aren't going through, and the errors thrown by their APIs aren't very verbose either.

Finn and I also tried to get self-hosted apps to work, but we got stuck.  We got an app to download off a webpage and run, but it would load the /index of rather than the index of the app when starting.

1 comment:

  1. As we discussed, your goal is to learn FXOS app development. You are not developing the OS itself, so it is both easiest and most useful to develop on a stable version of the OS using stable libraries and development practices that are most likely to payoff with an app that is widely deployable.

    We should bring the self-hosting question up with our mentors when we meet with them this week.
