Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Changes 12/9/14


Finished up learning about merge sort, and started learning about quicksort. Interestingly enough, a basic recursive quicksort was actually really easy for me to understand, since it was a lot like the merge sort algorithm. However, it's starting to get into the in-place quicksort, which is very complex and confusing. I'm pretty sure I've already gone through this section (I already did EIMACS test 20, which is after this part), but I figure I should probably review it anyway because of its complexity.

1 comment:

  1. The secrete is to not try to follow the details. If you do, your head will explode. Instead, try to think about the high level abstraction of how the algorithm works (visualizations can help with that) until you can convince yourself that it does indeed work, even though you can't follow the details.
