- Updated drill.css and experimented with styling
- Tried to add a button that would refresh the page but it doesn't change the image
- Updated web app to load students names from students.txt
- Added option to load css in the base.tpl
- Added file drill.css to start making the drill page more visually appealing
- Updated web app to load local images correctly
- Loads from /static/img
- Added iteration to scan /static/img/ for image files, then choose a random one
- Added crappily drawn images to represent real problems
Web Design:
- Looked at jQuery changes on index.html page
- Updated older blog post to link to git repo
- Updated
- Added template "base.tpl" that is essentially a minimal page
- Added template "drill.tpl" that contains variables for an image (with src and alt variables) and a text element
- Added code to populate the drill.tpl file with proper variables
- Experimented with ways to load a local image on the webpage, but was unsuccessful in getting it to work (although I think I got close)
Web Design:
- Moved the background change script to a separate file called main.js
- Played with the onload attribute of the <body> element, got it so that it would auto run the init() function, which changes the background
- Updated the button on the main page so that it now called init(), rather than the old function from when the script was embedded in index.html
- Added the <script> header and <body> onload attribute, making the background change on all pages
- Added extremely basic functionality to, such as static file loading
- Pushed the changes to the git repo
Web Design:
- Tried to separate index.html and the color change script, but it seemed too complicated to do with limited javascript knowledge.
- Changed color change javascript to be in a function and added a button to call it
- Added an onload attribute to the <body> element to call the function
- Created math_drill repository
Web Design:
- Added custom fonts for <body> and <nav> elements
- Discussed how the User Interface for the check it out database should function
- Downloaded bottle zoo from
Web Design:
- Added link to blog at the top of the page, and used relative position to bring it to the very top
- Moved the <nav> element listing links to the various pages out of the <div> element so that it takes up the whole width of the <body>
- Used relative position to fix a double outline on the <nav> element
- Moved some styling elements from general.css (the css sheet loaded on all pages) to specific pages that needed them
- Added pattern I made in photoshop to serve as the background image
- Added javascript to alternate main page's background between 10 color pallets
- Looked at the localhost server and noticed that adding items only worked on the loans table, not people or items
So far this year I:
- Learned about all basic html elements
- Created a basic webpage using the various elements (<p>, <a>, <h1>, etc)
- Researched CSS style syntax and read a bit of the Getting Down with CSS online book
- Updated homepage to have more text and images
- Added CSS to some of the pages, including the homepage. This added table formatting, background images, font changes, centered images, etc.
The Website so far: